Monday, May 16, 2011

Who knew!?

I knew there would be many suprises as I traveled back to Lebanon, but I never expected to catch a cold here!  It seems very odd to have a cough and runny nose in Lebanon's sunny dry weather, yet 4 people in our group have colds, sore throat and all.  We brought a provisional amount of Dayquil and Nightquil, which we officailly used up today.  Guess we'll have to make our inaugural run to the pharmacy this afternoon. 

All-in-all we are a sad group of 9, consisiting of 4 colds, a sinus infection, one case of bronchitis, a broken toe, and a bum knee.  Despite the infirmities we are all in good spirits, content to be in Lebanon and excited to be experiencing a new culture and making new friends.  So glad to be traveling with people who won't let a little ailment stand between them and the middle East!


  1. Hey girl! I was just thinking of you a few hours ago and wondering how things were going over there - guess now I know why you came to mind. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!!

  2. Thanks Michelle! My cold actually turned into an upper respitory infection, but I got some penicillin this morning so I should be feeling better soon. Thanks for thinking of me. Hope you're summer is going well!

  3. Oh, no! I am so sorry you got sick. Let us know how you are doing on your penicillin.
